Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Formal languages, FSA

I was completely new to regular expressions. We were introduced to regex from both the theoretical perspective in csc236, and in the practical usage perspective in csc207, at the same time.

I think this concurrent introduction from both perspectives helped quicken my learning, and I got familiar with regex pretty quick. The theoretical perspective is still harder for me though. Some regex proofs seem to require multiple induction, and it can get confusing as the concepts are quite abstract.

FSAs are quite interesting, I like its graphical nature. It is very interesting that every regex has an FSA (if we allow epsilon transitions). All in all, I really like this part of the course.

A3 is due at a really bad time though. It's another crazy week..


Danny Heap said...

We'll try to link future instances of 207 and 236, using regexes.

mtl said...

Sounds good,
I think they already do match really well! But if that's incidental, I think planning to link them is a good idea.